Black Desrt How to Level Up Trading to Artisan 2

How and Where to get the Desert Buff

After reaching Artisan 2, you will need to complete two questlines to unlock the Desert Trading buff. The only other requirement is that you are level 55+.

  • Peaceful Oasis
    • Pre-requiste questline
    • Starts at Ashim at Ibellab Oasis in Valenica Desert
    • Mostly speaking to NPCs, requires energy to complete and requires you to kill some monsters
  • Rest Area on the Barren Sand
    • Questline to unlock the desert trading buff
    • Starts at Atui Balacs at Sand Grain Bazaar
    • Mostly speaking to NPCs, requires energy to complete

After completing the questline you will be given a +50% Trading buff for 1 hour.
To get the 100% buff you need to go and collect it from the node manager at Pilgrim's Sanctum: Sharing. This will cost 100 energy. You cannot get the buff whilst you have the +50% buff from the questline and the buff only applies when selling trade goods at Valencia (not Arehaza or any other location).

Illegal Trading

Illegal trading is the most risky form of trading. The following restrictions apply:

  1. Must be at least a professional trader to purchase the items.
  2. It must be night time (10 pm to 7 am)
  3. Only applies to specific items.

The NPCs that sell illegal trade items only appear at night in main towns. They can usually be found behind buildings and they are identifiable by their small light source. They are labeled as "<Black rat top> Mysterious Man".


Unlike the items sold by Trade Administers, the items sold by the Mysterious Man comes in quantities of
1. Each of the items are 30 000 to 100 000 silver and weigh about 300.00 LT.


After buying the items, you are labeled with a bright red icon above your head indicating that you are carrying illegitimate goods and you can be tagged in PvP. Note: if you put it on a horse or a coach, they will be labeled instead of you.


To sell the items, bring it to any Trade Administer other than the one in the city that it was bought in. Like regular trading, the farther you go, the higher it will sell for. However, due to potential player killers it may be better to travel a shorter or more obsolete route. Once sold to the Trade Administer, you lose 5000 karma per item sold. The loss in karma will not be a hindrance due to the low volume of trading goods sold.


Though the overall profit percentage may not seem to increase much, due to their original high price, the trading goods can net you over 50 000 – 100 000 silver in one transaction.

Imperial Trading

Imperial trading items reset every 4 hours and only a set amount of items can be sold. The trade items are regular trading goods you can purchase in main towns, but will sell for 250% of their price when taken to the target NPC listed. Each main town differs and the easiest way to figure out which trading goods are currently up for Imperial Trading is to check the Trade Info by going to your ESC menu and then the Life Tab.

03 ImperialDelivery.jpg

Once you've arrived to the indicated town, talk to the Imperial Delivery NPC and NOT the Trade Administer. Sell all the imperial goods to the Imperial Delivery NPC for 250% profit. If you have any left over then you can sell these to the regular Trade Manager NPC.

02 ImperialDelivery.jpg

Hot-time Trading

Every once in a while, there will be a global announcement indicating that a town is buying goods for 200% of their value. This form of trading is rather simple. Before the allotted time or quantity runs out, sell any trade goods into the indicated town. Like any other forms of trading, a node must be connected to that town to profit from it. Due to the irregularity and random placement of these events, it is not wise to actively seek this trading method out unless it happily falls under a specific happenstance where the town is already connected in your node setup.

Black Desrt How to Level Up Trading to Artisan 2


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